Prevention and management of main broiler diseases

6 min readJun 29, 2021


With the continuous improvement of living standards in recent years, broilers and meat products have been favored due to their good quality and high nutritional value, and have very good market prospects. Relying on the local favorable natural conditions, the region guides farmers to develop broiler farming. Through extensive mobilization and publicity and organizing the masses to visit and inspect abroad, the general public has a deep understanding of the market prospects and economic benefits of the broiler industry, and the question of whether broiler farming Concerns about economic benefits have increased the enthusiasm for breeding. Adopt the method of entrusting leaders and cadres to entrust households to select a group of farmers with breeding experience and certain economic strength, and give strong support in terms of policies, broilers, capital and technology.

一、 Prevention and Control of Main Broiler Diseases

1. Main diseases of broilers

In recent years, a survey of broiler farms in Wafangdian City found that the common diseases of broiler chickens mainly include chicken pullorum, coccidiosis, infectious bronchitis, chronic respiratory diseases and so on.

(1) Pullorum of chicks

The pathogenic bacteria is mainly Salmonella, which mainly harms broiler chickens aged 1 to 21 days. Clinically, diarrhea occurs and white watery stools are discharged. The liver is enlarged and brown, the gallbladder and spleen are severely enlarged. There are white necrotic nodules in the liver, musculature, spleen and intestines.

(2) Coccidiosis

The pathogen is Eimeria coccidia, which mainly harms broiler chicks between 20 and 50 days old. The chicks are infected with parasites and excrete bloody stools, which are reddish brown or syrupy in color. There were blood clots and necrotic exudates in the cecum of sick chickens, severe bleeding in the small intestine, and scaly sesame granular necrosis.

(3) Broiler infectious bronchitis

The pathogen is avian infectious bronchitis virus. After the illness, the sick chickens have difficulty breathing, have rales, discharge purulent nasal fluid, and develop diarrhea symptoms and discharge loose stools. Inflammation of the nasal cavity, trachea, and bronchi of sick and dead chickens, there is a large amount of mucus secretions, lung edema, and urate deposition.

(4) Chronic respiratory diseases in broilers

The pathogen is septic mycoplasma, which mainly harms broiler chickens within 4–48 days of age. The main clinical symptoms after the onset are nasal flow of viscous or serous fluid, wheezing, and swelling of the eyelids. The nasal mucosa of sick and dead chickens is thickened and has cheese-like substances. Inflammation of the conjunctiva. Congestion, edema, and exudates in the sinuses, and cheese-like exudates in the air sacs.

2.Prevention and control measures for common broiler diseases

For broiler coccidiosis, you can choose to use gulilin (dinitrophenylamine) in the treatment dosage of 0.025% mixed in the feed, and the preventive dosage is 0.015%. It is fed continuously for 3–5 days, which has a good therapeutic effect.

For broiler infectious bronchitis, you can use Xiaochaihu powder 30 g and 4–6 kg defensin a day. After mixing, let the chickens eat freely. Use it continuously for 3 days as a course of treatment. At the same time, the treatment is given by taking 0.6 g per kilogram of chicken weight per day, twice a day, for three consecutive days as a course of treatment.

Tylosin can be used for chronic respiratory diseases in broilers: drinking water, the concentration is 0.05%, continuous use for 5–7 days, or enrofloxacin: drinking water, 0.05%, continuous use for 3–5 days has a good prevention effect.

For broiler infectious bronchitis, use “Glandular Stomach Must Treat” + “Liver and Kidney Must Treat” drinking water, combined with “Enrofloxacin Solution” for 4 days, or use “Hongan Shu” or drinking water + “Tilmicosin premix” Drink water for 4 days.

For broiler colibacillosis, salmonellosis, and pasteurosis, use “5% Enno Solution” for drinking water, one course (3–4 days)/bottle per 2000 chicks; at the same time, strengthen feeding management and pay attention to heat preservation (avoid hot and cold Or catch the cold).

It should be noted that the key to preventing broiler disease is to do a good job. To establish a sound and strict sanitation and disinfection system, vehicles and personnel entering and exiting need to be strictly disinfected, and screen windows and isolation belts must be added to prevent some poisonous animals from entering the chicken house. It is best for farms to prepare their own feed and add more soybean meal to the feed. It is necessary to formulate a strict immunization system and carry out immunization in a planned way. Immunization with Newcastle Disease Attenuated Vaccine + Bacterial H120 Vaccine at 1 day of age, 5–6 days of age for avian influenza H9 inactivated vaccine subcutaneous injection, 11–12 Days of attenuated Newcastle disease vaccine and Newcastle disease The inactivated vaccine is immunized by subcutaneous injection, and the attenuated bursal infection vaccine is immunized by drinking water or dripping at the age of 16–17 days.

Prevention and management of main broiler diseases

group close up of chicken head against white

二、 Main points of broiler feeding and management

There should be sufficient sports grounds outside the chicken coop, rest racks should be set inside the chicken coop, and the breeding density should be controlled at 5 broilers per square meter. Adjust the temperature in the chicken house before putting the chickens in the morning to avoid temperature stress colds in the chickens due to the large temperature difference between the inside and outside of the chicken house. Daily feeding is to be suspended, and the feed is placed in a higher position to allow the chickens to eat freely. This can enhance the broiler’s exercise ability, promote digestion, and strengthen the body. With the development of many years of breeding experience, there is an inseparable relationship between the light time and the egg production rate of broilers. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the irradiation is about 3–14 h every day. When the natural light is insufficient, it must be supplemented by artificial light.

In winter, the feeding frequency should be gradually increased, and the principle of feeding small amounts and multiple times should be adopted. Generally, feeding is about 3–5 times a day to ensure that each broiler can fully eat. This will not only ensure that the broiler’s body generates heat daily, but also help gain weight, laying a solid foundation for slaughter. Wind-proof barriers should be placed around the chicken house to ensure that the floor of the chicken house is clean and dry. The manure and dirt in the chicken house should be cleaned up in time, and the litter should be replaced in time. The doors and windows should be sealed in winter and spring, and the straw curtain fire or ignition should be kept at night. , To ensure that the greenhouse temperature can be maintained above 10 ℃.

If the number of broilers raised is small, drive them back to the house at night. At the same time, in order to reduce the impact of stress on broiler egg production, the chicken house should also be kept quiet, breeders must wear fixed work clothes, and non-breeding management personnel are prohibited from entering the chicken house. It is necessary to block the rat holes in the chicken coop, do a good job of eliminating mosquitoes, flies and mice, and do a good job of protecting the outside of the chicken coop to prevent cats, dogs and birds from entering the chicken coop.

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