Brief introduction of clinical pharmacology of common veterinary drugs in cattle farms

4 min readJun 29, 2021


1. Antibiotics

Penicillin is one of the most commonly used antibiotic drugs. It has antibacterial effect on gram-positive cocci and gram-positive bacilli, spirochetes, clostridia, actinomycetes and some Bacteroides. Commonly used for respiratory infections such as colds and pneumonia, and other bacterial infections.

Streptomycin is one of commonly used antibiotic drugs. Often used with penicillin to treat respiratory infections.

Gentamicin is often used to treat some digestive tract infections such as diarrhea.

Methaquine (Lijunjing) is often used to treat some digestive tract infections such as diarrhea.

Cephalosporin antibiotics (ceftiofur, cefazolin, etc.) are one of the most commonly used antibiotic drugs. Often combined with penicillin or other antibiotics to treat respiratory tract infections, digestive tract infections and other infections.

Lincomycin is commonly used to treat respiratory infections, skin and soft tissue infections, and urinary system infections.

Floxacin antibiotics (enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, etc.) are used to treat urogenital infections, digestive tract infections, respiratory tract infections, and Pasteurella (haemorrhagic) diseases.

Kanamycin intramuscular injection is used for systemic infections caused by sensitive bacteria, such as pneumonia, sepsis, and urinary tract infections.

Amikacin (Amikacin) has similar antibacterial effects to gentamicin and kanamycin, and is often used for pathogenic bacteria that are resistant to two drugs.

The four macrolide antibiotics (Tilmicosin, Tylosin, Tiamulin, Tyramectin) Although these four antibiotics have broad antibacterial effects, they are generally used for bovine infectious pleuropneumonia (Bovine Pneumonia, Bovine Mycoplasma Pneumonia) Treatment. If your cattle are purchased from the Northeast, you must prepare these drugs in advance in case you need them.

Sulfamidines (sulfaamidine, sulfadiazine, compound trimethoprim, etc.) Oral sulfamidine is effective in treating calf dysentery; other sulfa drugs can be used for systemic infections, digestive tract infections, encephalitis, etc.

Erythromycin is commonly used in the treatment of skin infections and eye infections.

2. Deworming drugs

Abamectin, Ivermectin Broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs. It is commonly used for ectoparasites, such as scabies, ticks, and jumping worms. It also has a good deworming effect on nematodes.

Ivermectin is a derivative of avermectin, and both have similar anthelmintic effects, but ivermectin is less toxic than avermectin. There are oral tablets, powders, subcutaneous injections, in vitro sprays and so on.

Levamisole has a good deworming effect on roundworms, hookworms and filarials. Commonly used for digestive tract parasites and lungworms. Oral administration.

Albendazole has a good deworming effect on roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, whipworms, hookworms, and strong strong worms.

Oral administration. Nitrochlorophenol Nitrochlorophenol, thiobis-dichlorophenol, bromophenophos (Hirudojing) drive Fasciola hepatica.

Bernier, yellow pigment, imidazole carbamide drive cattle scorch.

Praziquantel drives bovine schistosomiasis.

3. Mixture of vitamins, trace elements and energy

Vitamin C injection improves immunity, anti-oxidation, anti-stress, etc.

Vitamin B1, B6, and B12 injections are used for malnutrition, loss of appetite, poor digestion, etc. caused by vitamin B deficiency.

Vitamin E injection promotes fertility, anti-oxidation, and promotes selenium absorption.

Vitamin D injection promotes calcium absorption.

Sodium selenite injection is used to treat leukemia.

Calcium gluconate and calcium chloride injection are used to treat calcium deficiency.

Inosine injection is used for thrombocytopenia, various acute and chronic liver diseases, pulmonary heart disease and other heart diseases; central retinitis, optic nerve atrophy and other diseases. Clinically, it is often used as a liver-protecting drug for large infusions. Adenine triphosphate (ATP) energy mixture. For sick cattle, weak cattle are used for infusion.

Four, stomach medicine

There are many kinds of traditional Chinese medicine Jianwei San on the market, and the effect of strengthening the stomach is good or bad.

Artificial salt is used in a small amount for stomach strengthening, and a large amount is used for light ejaculation.

Rhubarb soda tablets for stomach

5. Hormonal drugs, cardiotonic drugs

Dexamethasone Anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-shock Adrenaline excites the heart, used for shock, poisoning and other rescue.

Sodium camphorsulfonate injection is a respiratory stimulant and can also be used to strengthen the heart. Anna coffee strengthens the heart.

Sixth, anti-asthmatic, diuretic and hemostatic drugs

Aminophylline is used to relieve asthma. Mannitol Diuretic Furosemide (Furosemide) Diuretic Hemostatic (phensulfonetamide) Hemostasis, used for skin and internal organ bleeding.

Seven, traditional Chinese medicine preparations

Shuanghuanglian injection cold, pneumonia

Bupleurum injection for cooling and colds

Houttuynia injection to clear away heat, detoxify and relieve dampness.

Astragalus polysaccharide injection to invigorate qi and tonic, enhance resistance.

Shuangding injection treatment of mastitis

Berberine (berberine) is antibacterial and has inhibitory effects on a variety of bacteria, but it is the strongest against Shigella. It is mostly used to treat bacillary dysentery and gastroenteritis.

8. Antiviral drugs


Nine, disinfection drugs

Potassium permanganate, alum, iodine (iodine, tincture of iodine, povidone iodine, etc.), sodium hydroxide, quicklime, and a new acid disinfectant. Bleaching powder, formalin, sulfur fumigation

Ten, light ejaculation drugs

Paraffin oil, magnesium sulfate, sodium sulfate, artificial salt (large amount)

11. Vaccines, serum

Foot-and-mouth disease vaccine Foot-and-mouth disease serum bovine infectious pleuropneumonia vaccine bovine infectious pleuropneumonia serum refined tetanus antitoxin bovine Pasteurella multocida fire extinguishing vaccine rinderpest vaccine pseudorabies vaccine rabies vaccine clostridium botulinum type C vaccine emphysema gangrene vaccine anthrax vaccine.

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